Monday, January 15, 2007

ETA VTA MySpace Friends: Floater Six

I got a message from ETA VTA MySpace Friend Six on Friday with a couple of quick questions...

"Can you suggest blog topics?" - Yes, most definitely. It would be a big help.

"If so, then I would suggest that someone come out and review the band Floater Six this Saturday at San Souci!" - Whoops! Saturday? I missed the show, I was in the Bay Area watching my Washington Huskies (lost, ugh) and Gonzaga Bulldogs (win, woo hoo!) basketball teams and visiting my brother. Currently there isn't anybody else to send to do reviews - we are a one man operation of love - so no, I can't send anybody out, sorry.

Unfortunately, I didn't even get Six's message in time to let you all know about their show. But I would be glad to give Floater Six a quick plug for some of their upcoming shows just for being an ETA VTA friend...

Next Show: January 26th - The Double Down Saloon - Las Vegas
Next California Show: February 3rd - Velvet Jones - Santa Barbara
Next Ventura Show: February 24th - Billy O's

If you would like to be our friend and enjoy all the benefits of said friendship, please visit our page on MySpace today.

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At May 19, 2011 3:18 PM, Anonymous Poker Sign Up Bonus said...

Be not deceived in this respect.


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